Kayzar recently took part in this unique anti-bullying event which shares new ways to tackle bullying with young people from across the Borough. Delivered by the same team who perform at the Essex Police ‘2SMART’ roadshow, the event was both exciting and engaging for all!
Schools in the area nominated three pupils from years 5 and 6, or years 7 and 8, as their Secret Agents. The Secret Agents were then sent their brief from Agent X and carried out some pre-event work in school.

On the day of the event, held at Westcliff High School for Girls, the pupils worked in groups with other schools and their team leaders to devise a form of communication which portrays the emotions and thoughts of a character from a bullying scenario.
In order for the Secret Agents to complete their mission they have to feed back what they have learnt to other pupils, teachers and Governors and report back to Agent X before the deadline!